Jason Walters

Jason is a passionate artist and technologist who started exploring programming languages and writing music at a young age. He briefly studied computer science and visual design at university before pursuing a career in information technology. From the late 90s, Jason continued exploring interactive art and achieved his vision of combining graphics, sound, and interactions with Macromedia Flash and later Microsoft's XNA.

Jason's skills as a creative technologist were recognized when he landed a position at BBDO NYC, where he became one of the pioneering creative technologists. Later, he joined Microsoft and taught integrating Microsoft technologies with creative frameworks to the creative and game industries of New York City.

As an educator, Jason was an adjunct-professor at NYU teaching Unity and co-taught a course on connected spaces at Parsons's New School of Design. He has also mentored at the first year of NYU's Game Center and given lectures and talks at events and universities in the New York area.

In 2015, Jason moved to Berlin, Germany, to focus full-time on creating interactive experiences for clients and personal projects. He is a seasoned expert in creative technology and interactive art, with a successful track record of delivering projects ranging from proof-of-concept to release.

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